A selection of Various Birds
Maurice was looking for a good IP lawyer; he wanted to sue. He had gone to the Venture Capital guys with his concept–“Flitter”–a quick wireless way for people or organizations to post short messages along with a photo. Not two weeks after he had shared his idea, along came Twitter, his idea with the name spelled differently, but definitely his idea. When the lawyers talked about some kind of settlement, Maurice told his lawyer his two favorite words were “send money”. . . . . David, Sf.G.
Nigel’s wife said he was the most careless individual she had ever known, and now he had dropped one of the gold cuff links she had given him for their anniversary here at the beach in the sand. He wasn’t sure if the tide had washed the cuff link out to sea or if some clam or oyster had sucked it up, but he was going to be in trouble if he couldn’t find it soon. . . . . David, Sf.G.
Fence Sitter
After a couple of beers, when the good ol’ boys would talk like good ol’ boys sometimes do, a few of his friends had gotten the impression that Joey was a bit hawkish, but the truth of the matter was, he was really a fence sitter. . . . . David, Sf.G.
Big Brother is Watching
While changing the radio in her car from NPR news to the old Rock and Roll station, Kelli accidentally got Rush Limbaugh, who was on a bit of a rant about the government collecting all of our phone, E-mail, and text data in an attempt to catch terrorists. It didn’t take long for a little paranoia to take root, and now she couldn’t shake the feeling, that someone–big brother–was following and watching her every move. . . . . David, Sf.G.
Boys’ Night Out
Eugene was getting a little long in the tooth (beak?) for these boys’ nights out. Too much tequila, not enough sleep, and having to eat mice for breakfast. Maybe it was time he got married.. . . . David, Sf.G.
Baby Sitter Blues
Joachim and Trixie just wanted a night out to go clubbing and blow off a little steam. Finding a baby sitter was tough enough these days, but finding one willing to catch flies and worms and pre-chew them for the tots was tougher than they had expected . . . . David, Sf.G.