A selection of Various Birds
Looking Over His Shoulder
Juan quickly discovered if you’re a conservative in a blue state, you better be looking over your shoulder . . .
Poorly Thought Out
After the party Friday night, and the resulting housekeeping disaster the next morning with his room mates, Rodney (left, tall and pink) was beginning to believe that his decision to move to an off campus apartment was perhaps poorly thought out . . .
Elvis Impersonator
Elvis (yes, it’s his actual name; his mother had been a big fan) liked to get away from the usual Jailhouse Rock, Heartbreak Hotel, and Hound Dog imitations and considered his specialties to be Fun in Acapulco and Viva Las Vegas. His reaching out for an Elvis-like version of Yellow Submarine hadn’t been as well received . . .
Jeremy had gone through school telling everyone, especially the cute girls, that a famous spy plane had been named after him and his family–until he joined the National Guard at University. He was somewhat disappointed to finally learn in his ROTC aviation history class that it had been the SR71 Black Bird, not the SR71 Red Winged Blackbird . . .
Coat of Many Colors
Kenny got reminded of the Bible story of Joseph’s coat of many colors almost daily by his classmates, and the truth be told, he thought it did make him look pretty cool. His real hope is that it made him some kind of a “chick magnet”. He hoped it wasn’t just seasonal breeding plumage that would fade as spring faded into summer and the breeding season passed for the year . . .
Get It Right!
Andy’s new girlfriend was wonderful–beautiful, funny, a great cook–but just couldn’t remember how to pronounce even important things. For instance, he was a Tanager, not a tangerine, and she got migraine headaches, not meringue headaches . . .