A selection of Various Birds
Rodeo Rider
Clarence (top, facing backward) was coming to the conclusion that perhaps his rodeo bronc riding career dream may be unrealistic . . .
Skin Issues
The dermatologist told Suzie, “No, this is not a phase you will grow out of, you are a vulture, and no, you probably will not be dating hawks or eagles; get used to it.” His comment on whiners and snivelers made under his breath didn’t seem like good bedside manner to her . . .
Billy and Imogene didn’t mind having close neighbors; in fact, it was kind of comforting. They did wish they would quit coming over daily to borrow a cup of flour or a beer . . .
She Works Hard for Her Money
Lola took the job as border patrol spotter; the pay was good, the benefits better, but even with good thermal updrafts to ride, 8 hours flying was hard work . . .
Who Did That?
The boys learned early–if you pass gas in a crowd, turn to the one next to you and say (loudly) “Did you do that . . .?
No Place to Hide
Penny had told James that she wasn’t interested in him, she was mating with Huey–so buzz off. But he kept at it, and there seemed to be no place to hide . . .