Beach Scenes

  • The art school film department had caught a wave of nostalgia and wanted to create a remake of the Annette Funicello/Frankie Avalon  movie from the early 60's, Muscle Beach Party.  A low budget necessitated some compromises . . .
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Muscle Beach Party

By |January 30th, 2020|Categories: Beach Scenes, Food, Musicians, Old Movies, Pop culture|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Muscle Beach Party
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Leaning to the Right

By |September 20th, 2019|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Politics|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Leaning to the Right
  • When the younger kids kept begging to stay in the water a little longer at the beach, their big brother Bob (kind of a bully--and in a hurry to get to McDonalds) said, "No, the day is nearly done and dark is when the sharks come to feed on kids that don't listen . . ."
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Nearly Dark

By |August 29th, 2019|Categories: Beach Scenes, sunsets & rainbows, Texas|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Nearly Dark
  • Seeing the Bolivar lighthouse for the first time, Jimmy looked at the puny little light and wondered how did you call the EverReady bunny, and did they have lighthouse batteries.  He also wondered if bringing in a pink fuzzy rabbit would be introducing a non-native invasive species . . .
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By |January 31st, 2019|Categories: Architecture, Beach Scenes, Texas|Tags: , |Comments Off on Lighthouse

    Missed the Big One

    As November came and the end of Hurricane season was in sight, coastal Texans all breathed a sigh of relief for another year . . .

    By |November 8th, 2018|Categories: Beach Scenes, Natural Disasters, sunsets & rainbows, Texas|Tags: |Comments Off on Missed the Big One

      Flood Insurance

      As the tropical depression turned into a tropical storm and perhaps later a hurricane, LaVerne (pictured) was trying to remember if she had paid her flood insurance premium. After the trouble she had collecting last year, she wasn’t sure she cared; it took a law suit filed in Judge Judy’s court to finally get the company to pay . . .

      By |September 18th, 2018|Categories: Beach Scenes, Economy, Natural Disasters|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Flood Insurance