Spring Break


    When the new girls hit the beach for the first time in Florida for spring break, they felt like they had been surrounded by a bunch of hyenas or a pack of wolves. The concept of just relaxing or getting a tan appeared to be somewhat problematic . . .

    By |March 29th, 2015|Categories: Beach Scenes, Dating Scene, Flowers, Pop culture|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Surrounded!

    Tattoo Removal Difficulties

    Clarissa had gone to the best dermatologist in town to see about getting the unsightly red hour glass spot removed.  She wasn’t sure how it got there; her friend Lois suggested maybe that spring break party in Mexico when everyone had had a little too much tequila and had gotten tattoos . . . .  David, Sf.G.

    By |September 25th, 2012|Categories: Bugs|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Tattoo Removal Difficulties