
    Three Stooges (India)

    A newly rich Indian software genius had always loved the Three Stooges films, and acquired the Indian right for the series, using Indian actors.  The actors, while handsome and elegant, seemed as much like the Stooges in real life as on the script . . .

    By |August 17th, 2014|Categories: Birds, India, Old Movies|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Three Stooges (India)


      Jim was certain that in addition to the major flaws in the software for the new government insurance exchanges that didn’t work, the government also needed a competent webmaster instead of some nepotistic brother-in-law of a major party hack and/or funder.  He had emailed his resume but that system didn’t work any better than the health insurance one he was offering to fix . . . .  David, Sf.G.

      By |October 23rd, 2013|Categories: Spiders|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Webmaster