Flat Earth Society
A Fox News item said the Flat Earth Society planned a rocket launch to prove the NASA pics of a round earth were Photoshopped. Some things were hard to explain . . .
A Fox News item said the Flat Earth Society planned a rocket launch to prove the NASA pics of a round earth were Photoshopped. Some things were hard to explain . . .
As they left Wichita, Bob told his wife he had no need of the GPS–he could get to Galveston just fine by dead reckoning . . .
The old timers living around Mount Rainier swear that Al Gore was not born in Tennessee as claimed, but was delivered by aliens from another galaxy one bright cloudless night. The story has it that the alien spacecraft, after Al’s delivery, ended up in Area 51, and neither NASA nor Al are disputing the claim. . . . . David, Sf.G.