lounge lizard


    Timothy, a true mockingbird,  could imitate anyone, Vladimir Putin, Ronald Reagan, Billy Mays, Madonna,  any of the British royals, Lady Gaga . . . anyone.  He was growing frantic, though; if he didn’t develop a style of his own, he’d be condemned to B list hotel lounges doing Elvis, Bruce Springsteen and Tom Jones requests for drunk tourists and road warriors for the rest of his life . . .

      Lounge Lizard

      While consulting with his on line counselor at the University of Phoenix (On Line), it turned out that the only musical program available to Henry was Lounge Lizard (certified).

      By |April 27th, 2014|Categories: Reptiles & Amphibians|Tags: , |Comments Off on Lounge Lizard

      Play Misty for Me

      The girls at the office decided they needed a girls’ night out. They chose a nightclub that not only served great food and generous drinks, it also had a certified piano-playing lounge lizard who took requests. Cathy, the leader of the group, slipped the waiter $20 for the piano player with the request, “Play Misty for me” . . . .  David, Sf.G.

      By |October 6th, 2013|Categories: Flowers|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Play Misty for Me