The Blues
When Pete couldn’t get work with an opera company singing as lead tenor, he just sort of fell into singing the blues and sounded like B.B. King with feathers, some green . . .
When Pete couldn’t get work with an opera company singing as lead tenor, he just sort of fell into singing the blues and sounded like B.B. King with feathers, some green . . .
Henry was blue, lived in a “red” state, but was not a supporter of either party. Why couldn’t everyone just be color blind . . .?
Being Blue, everyone expected Herbie to do B. B. King, John Lee Hooker, or maybe Marcia Ball–the blues–at Karaoke night, but no, he did “Don’t Worry, Be Happy . . .”
Juan quickly discovered if you’re a conservative in a blue state, you better be looking over your shoulder . . .