Global Warming
While burning copies of “non classified” emails “that didn’t exist,” Hillary was surprised by Bernie, who now accused her of contributing to global warming . . .
While burning copies of “non classified” emails “that didn’t exist,” Hillary was surprised by Bernie, who now accused her of contributing to global warming . . .
Bernie Sanders seemed to be drawing large crowds, even larger than Hillary, but someone in the media pointed out they all seemed to be products of the 60’s–Flower Power ex-hippies. The big question was, would they–through their medical marijuana haze–remember to vote, or even that there was an election, not an anti-Vietnam war rally?
While taking his morning walk and listening to the news on his iPhone app, Malcolm thought the intel available to the FBI from Hillary’s server might be no more transparent than that day’s view. . .
The conspiracy crowd said it was a UFO, and others said a secret NASA project gone bad; the Government wasn’t saying anything. One of the local conservative talk show hosts claimed it was Hillary after testifying about the lost e-mail server, Benghazi, and the questionable foreign funding for the Clinton foundation . . .
When the Queen bee had been asked for hive emails, not just the work related ones but the “private” ones that left big gaps in the record, she instructed her chief of staff to tell the Justice Department, the Right side of the aisle, and the media to “Buzz Off” . . .
Nadir (pictured, (right) had been told on local TV that some important dignitary was going to be visiting and bringing major funding for agricultural projects. There seemed to be some confusion as to who was coming; some said the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, others said Vladimir Putin, still others, Hugo Chavez. Nadir didn’t care, it could be Barack Obama or Lady Gaga; until there were boots on the ground and a check that could actually clear his bank, he was waiting . . . . David, Sf.G.