Glacier National Park

    Just Over the Hill

    When the Jones family (from Iowa) asked the Ranger where they might see bighorn sheep or mountain goats, he replied “Just over the hill.”  They figured “hill” must be a matter of context . . .

    By |August 15th, 2018|Categories: Landscapes, Montana|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Just Over the Hill

      Hard Rock Concert

      When Daniel heard about the Glacier Park Hard Rock Concert he was intrigued by the acoustics potential.  He was concerned there could be  power availability problems for the amps and lights, though . . .

      By |May 29th, 2018|Categories: Landscapes, Montana, Musicians, Travel|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Hard Rock Concert

        The Rocks Are Leaking

        The Jones family, from Kansas, wanted their three year old, Henry, to see the mountains in Glacier Park.  When Henry saw the glacial melt stream, he said, “Look Dad, the rocks are leaking!”  His mom, having just heard the news, thought “Just Like Washington DC . . .”

        By |May 3rd, 2018|Categories: Landscapes, Montana, Politics|Tags: |Comments Off on The Rocks Are Leaking

          Sheep and Goats

          When William read in the Bible about separating the sheep from the goats, he wondered if that included mountain goats or just those pesky little trash eaters from outside the park . . .

          By |January 23rd, 2018|Categories: Exotic Animals, Montana|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Sheep and Goats

            Wrong Kid Rock

            Turns out they had booked the wrong Kid Rock; this one couldn’t do  a concert in Nebraska . . .

            By |November 7th, 2017|Categories: Landscapes, Montana, Musicians|Tags: , |Comments Off on Wrong Kid Rock

              Goat Party

              Though slow, Hubert was glad to see the Goat Party was growing; it was now up to three. They weren’t sure who to back yet, but they were pretty sure it wouldn’t be Kim Jong Un . . .

              By |August 16th, 2017|Categories: Exotic Animals, Montana, Politics|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Goat Party