European statues


    Texas good ol’ gal Justine-Lucille knew that back-to-back cruises–one to the Caribbean, one to Alaska, and one in the Mediterranean–with all you can eat lobster plus free beer and drinks hadn’t been kind to her dieting plan.  She hadn’t realized just how badly she had sabotaged her goal until she tried the elephant ride . . .

    By |November 9th, 2018|Categories: Texas, Urban scenes|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Heavy

      Area 51

      When the bad boys from high school had had a few beers, they sneaked into area 51; when they saw what the military had not used that had come from outer space, they had to wonder . . .

      By |September 6th, 2018|Categories: Travel, Urban scenes, World Travel Sites|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Area 51

        Everybody Must Get Stoned

        When David had softly sung the old Bob Dylan tune, “Everybody must get stoned,” while walking, he hadn’t realized anyone was listening and that they would take it so literally . . .

        By |December 27th, 2017|Categories: Musicians, Travel, Urban scenes|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Everybody Must Get Stoned