• Billie and Twyla Sue were convinced they had invented a new sport--Neck Wrestling--and hoped to get ESPN interested. The only drawback was it didn't work very well for  cardinals or sparrows . . .
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Neck Wrestling

By |April 11th, 2019|Categories: Birds, Sports|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Neck Wrestling

    Don’t Let It Bug You

    Igor and Jose were wrestlers: Igor (top) was known as “The Yellow Peril” and Jose (bottom) went by the title “The Rainbow Avenger”.  After a recent appearance on one of the ESPN channels  featuring the new sport of insect wrestling, they were inundated with e-mails claiming that wrestling–whether insect, mud wrestling, or any other type of wrestling–was fake.  “Don’t let it  bug you,” said their coach; “the girls still like you, and the checks seem to be clearing . . .”

    By |July 13th, 2014|Categories: Bugs, Flowers, Sports|Tags: , |Comments Off on Don’t Let It Bug You