
    There Goes the Neighborhood

    While on the way to dinner, Huey (bright northern shoveler male) started personal grooming in public. Bruce (right, coot) told Gabby, his mate, “There goes the neighborhood  . . .”

    By |October 16th, 2018|Categories: Birds|Tags: , , |Comments Off on There Goes the Neighborhood

      Not Working

      Knowing first impressions were important on first dates, Hermann was worried about his new deodorant not working . . .

      By |May 21st, 2018|Categories: Birds, Dating Scene|Tags: , |Comments Off on Not Working


        Clementine felt bad for the poor ostriches, no wing to hide your head under–they had to go find a pile of sand when they were scared or embarrassed . . .

        By |February 14th, 2017|Categories: Birds|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Underprivileged

        Cyber Bullying

        Gwendolyn had been born with the prominent overbite and in spite of big bucks at the orthodontist for braces, she still had to live with it.  Otherwise she was a beauty, but the cyber bullies as school just wouldn’t let up, some new Facebook post or Tweet every day, sometimes more than once.  Often they cruelly Photoshopped her picture taken from a cell phone and layered on a horse upper jaw, or an elephant trunk, always cruel.  The school officials tried but couldn’t catch the perpetrators, but Gwendolyn was pretty sure it was those snooty Coot chicks with their oh-so-cute little white beaks; being bigger, maybe she could get them out in back of the school one afternoon, get out the duct (duck?) tape and show them how bullying was done. . . . . . David, Sf.G.

        By |November 11th, 2013|Categories: Birds|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Cyber Bullying