cold feet

    Cold Feet

    Henry hated to admit it–he’d never Tweet it or post in on his Facebook page at the risk of being called wimpy, but dang, he really had cold feet flying here in Alaska.  He wondered: “Shouldn’t I be able to find something, anything, in the way of foot warmers on Amazon or eBay?” . . . . . David, Sf.G.

    By |November 21st, 2013|Categories: Alaska, Birds|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Cold Feet

    GPS Issues

    Lizzie (not pictured) couldn’t decide if Jeff, her fiance (pictured, under water), had gotten cold feet about getting married and was heading back out to sea to avoid the humiliation of calling off the wedding or if he had forgotten to download the updates for his GPS  . . . .  David, Sf.G.

    By |April 25th, 2013|Categories: Beach Scenes, Montana|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on GPS Issues