American Water Spaniel

  • After seeing some old Superrman reruns on TV, Snuffy (The Wonder Dog) thought, "how hard can it be?"  He soon decided flying lessons might be worth the trouble after all . . .
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Flying Lessons

By |December 6th, 2019|Categories: Dogs, Texas|Tags: , |Comments Off on Flying Lessons

    Nice Things

    “That’s why we can’t have nice things, Snuffy,” said Dorothy, “that was the satellite dish, not a chew toy . . .”

    By |June 12th, 2018|Categories: Bizarre, Dogs|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Nice Things

      Wonder Dog Gone Wrong

      Scientists, trying to create a dog that could trail bad guys in any direction,  agreed that the first prototype might need some further development . . .

      By |December 21st, 2017|Categories: Beach Scenes, Dogs|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Wonder Dog Gone Wrong