Urban scenes

    Don’t Play on the Roof

    It was hard, but Hans’ mom had laid down the law–he couldn’t play with Wolfgang, who played on the  roof, nude.  What would the neighbors say . . . ?

    By |September 2nd, 2015|Categories: Architecture, Urban scenes, World Travel Sites|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Don’t Play on the Roof

      Doesn’t She Get Cold?

      Little Tina, while visiting Barcelona, thought all the statues were really cool but asked her mother, “Don’t they get cold in the winter, and doesn’t the pretty lady’s arm get tired holding up that ship all the time?”

      By |July 9th, 2015|Categories: Architecture, Urban scenes, World Travel Sites|Tags: , |Comments Off on Doesn’t She Get Cold?

        On Tilt

        Chuck didn’t know if it was too much sun or too much beer, but suddenly his world was on tilt . . .

        By |June 22nd, 2015|Categories: Pop culture, Texas, Urban scenes|Tags: , , |Comments Off on On Tilt

          Red Hat

          Henri, a spy was told he had a new partner, but the only description given him was she has a red hat.  Turns out that was enough . . .

          By |June 15th, 2015|Categories: Glamor, Urban scenes|Tags: , |Comments Off on Red Hat

            Cheap Flights

            The flight (of fancy?) was fun, though you really didn’t go anywhere, but hey, it was cheap and everybody got both an aisle and a window seat, and you didn’t have to put up your tray table and seat back for landing. Sadly, there were no frequent flyer miles to be had . . .

            By |May 4th, 2015|Categories: Urban scenes|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Cheap Flights

              Time Machine

              After working on his time machine for years, it still seemed to run on the same time ordinary clocks ran; no jumps into the future, no visiting the past. George wondered if the problem was that he hadn’t taken into account that maybe time was metric, not American . . .

              By |March 24th, 2015|Categories: Urban scenes, World Travel Sites|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Time Machine