Urban scenes

    Mistaken Identity?

    After declining the Paris taxi driver’s offer to sell the Arc, Jim and Sue Ida wondered if that had been the Arc Indiana Jones had been looking for . . .

    By |March 27th, 2017|Categories: Architecture, Travel, Urban scenes, World Travel Sites|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Mistaken Identity?

      Possible Real Estate Scam

      When the taxi driver offered to sell Jimmy and Sue Ida from Arkansas the Arc, Jim declined; a similar transaction for the Brooklyn Bridge hadn’t ended well . . .

      By |March 26th, 2017|Categories: Architecture, Travel, Urban scenes, World Travel Sites|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Possible Real Estate Scam

        Clown Lives Matter

        Amazingly, the Clown Lives Matter phenomenon was already taking hold, with clowns holding up their hands and saying “Don’t shoot! It’s a rubber nose . . .”

        By |October 6th, 2016|Categories: Bizarre, Urban scenes|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Clown Lives Matter

          Metric Time

          Even though Klaus had been assured the clock was accurate, he still couldn’t tell what time it was. Must be metric time, he thought . . .

          By |April 6th, 2016|Categories: Architecture, Urban scenes, World Travel Sites|Tags: , |Comments Off on Metric Time

            Early AlGoreRhythms

            Even at a very young age, Al Gore (pictured (left) with Violin) was very ambitious;  In addition to planning to be a ruler of the free world,  invent the Internet, and save the planet, young Al had a strong musical talent.  Above is a recently discovered photo of him showing his typical strong leadership by organizing an early version of his band, the AlGoreRhythms.

            By |April 6th, 2016|Categories: Musicians, Politics, Pop culture, Travel, Urban scenes, World Travel Sites|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Early AlGoreRhythms

              Low Cost Housing

              In an effort to placate restless protesters over the perceived injustice of police shootings, the government decided to offer low-cost housing to any and all comers. There didn’t seem to be many takers . . .

              By |December 16th, 2015|Categories: Economy, India, Politics, Urban scenes|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Low Cost Housing