sunsets & rainbows


    While not knowing exactly why, Jack thought the moonrise looked very ominous . . .

    By |November 23rd, 2018|Categories: sunsets & rainbows|Tags: |Comments Off on Ominous

      Uncertain Weather

      Bubba, who wasn’t born in Texas (but got here as quick as he could) could usually predict tomorrow’s weather by looking at the sunset.  Not always . . .

      By |November 19th, 2018|Categories: sunsets & rainbows, Texas|Tags: |Comments Off on Uncertain Weather

        Colorful Stories

        As the political reporters crossed paths going home after the midterm elections, the colorful stories abounded . . .

        By |November 15th, 2018|Categories: Politics, sunsets & rainbows||Comments Off on Colorful Stories


          The president said the California wildfires were caused by California’s poor forestry practices and permitting medical marijuana to be grown on federal forest land. California said it was Washington’s failure to provide proper forest service funding.  In the mean time, Montana was living with smoky sunsets and sunrises because of the California wild fires.   Iowa and Rhode Island claimed they had no dog in this fight . . .

          By |November 12th, 2018|Categories: Landscapes, Montana, Natural Disasters, Politics, sunsets & rainbows|Tags: , , |Comments Off on “Yikes!”

            Missed the Big One

            As November came and the end of Hurricane season was in sight, coastal Texans all breathed a sigh of relief for another year . . .

            By |November 8th, 2018|Categories: Beach Scenes, Natural Disasters, sunsets & rainbows, Texas|Tags: |Comments Off on Missed the Big One

              Sun Sandwich

              Texans refer to this meteorological phenomenon as a “sun sandwich,”  as only Texans were big enough to eat one, and yes, it was hot . . .

              By |September 27th, 2018|Categories: sunsets & rainbows, Texas|Tags: |Comments Off on Sun Sandwich