
    Fear of Heights

    When her job at General Motors was eliminated shortly before her retirement, Josie (pictured) had no income and no pension. In her wildest dreams she had never thought about becoming a circus performer; she had a distinct fear of heights. But here she was, doing the high wire act with no safety net, which, as she thought about it, wasn’t all that different from the outcome of her job at GM. . .

    By |June 6th, 2017|Categories: Economy, Spiders|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Fear of Heights

      Dr Science

      Mr. Kelly was called :Dr Science” in fun by his students. To explain the solar system, he knew a picture was worth a 1,000 words. The wags wanted to know if they could call him “Sunny . . .”

      By |May 29th, 2017|Categories: Spiders|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Dr Science

        First Date

        Ronnie (right) had met Clarissa (left) on Facebook, and it seemed from their  correspondence on line that they were ideally suited for each other; from her picture, she was a real beauty.  When they finally met face to face Ronnie realized that the online pictures hadn’t given him any clue about size . . .

        By |March 3rd, 2017|Categories: Dating Scene, Pop culture, Spiders|Tags: , , |Comments Off on First Date

          Center of the Universe

          Cynthia, in spite of what her boyfriend told her, was convinced that she was at the center of the universe.  At least as she saw it . . .

          By |February 9th, 2017|Categories: Dating Scene, Spiders|Tags: , |Comments Off on Center of the Universe


            Julianna was so nervous–her new mate was supposed to be here in less than an hour and the house was in complete disorder . . .

            By |February 9th, 2017|Categories: Dating Scene, Spiders|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Disorderly

              Not a Fixit Guy

              In spite of his best efforts, Janine’s husband, as a fixit guy, was a train wreck waiting to happen. She had just gotten that hole in the web fixed, and now he “fixed” it again . . .

              By |January 13th, 2017|Categories: Spiders|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Not a Fixit Guy