
A selection of Bugs

    Blending In

    When Gina’s family moved and she had to go to a new school, she was concerned about making friends.  Her mother told her, “Don’t make waves, just try to blend in . . .”  Hard, when you’re orange . . .

    By |December 3rd, 2018|Categories: Bugs, Texas|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Blending In

      Turning His Back

      Turning His Back

      A president who recently left office said if his party didn’t have significant wins the mid-terms, he was turning his back on politics.  Some people in the polls were not convinced, but hopeful . . .

      By |November 3rd, 2018|Categories: Bugs, Politics|Tags: |Comments Off on Turning His Back


        Geta’s boyfriend said she seemed to be a little fluttery.  “Not compared to politicians,” she replied . . .

        By |October 14th, 2018|Categories: Bugs, Flowers, Politics|Tags: , |Comments Off on Fluttery

          Hard Case

          Always in trouble, always skirting–and sometimes breaking–the law, everyone said Cletus was a real hard case . . .

          By |October 9th, 2018|Categories: Bugs|Tags: , |Comments Off on Hard Case

            As You Wish

            When Buttercup told Westley they should only have two or three hundred children, he asked if she meant just the first year. When she said yes, Westley simply replied, “As you wish . . .”

            By |October 3rd, 2018|Categories: Bugs|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on As You Wish

              Can’t Eat for Laughing

              Suzy loved the Chinese Silk Flower nectar, but the wispy flower tickled her belly so bad she was heard telling her friends, “It’s delicious, but I can’t hardly eat for laughing . . .”

              By |September 23rd, 2018|Categories: Bugs, Flowers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Can’t Eat for Laughing