Mary Lucille was miffed with the spoonbill kids next door and their constant teasing about her "skinny beak". Her brother's advice--"Don't let them ruffle your feathers . . ."
The entire rookery was amazed. The Johanson triplets, Sven, Ole, and Twyla Sue, had successfully predicted not only the winner of three Astro's baseball games in a row but also the final score. Mom was already getting calls from Las Vegas . . .
Judy was sad. The eggs were laid and hatched, the chicks getting ready to fledge, and she was losing her elegant mating plumage; she hated going back to being ordinary . . .
Though Eunice would never admit it to the egret girls over coffee, there were times when she knew they were right--pointy was better for nit-picking than round . . .