A selection of Various Birds
When the lightning struck and the lights were out for a minute, everyone heard a loud, surprised “HONK”, and then what sounded like a subtle but satisfied cackle. When the lights came back on, Hilda, fifth from the left, front row, claimed someone goosed her, but the cackling had stopped and no one came forward claiming to be the “Gooser” . . . . David, Sf.G.
Incontinence Issues
Julie had never dreamed it would happen to her, but she finally knew she had to begin thinking about adult disposable underwear–the thought of an unscheduled incident in public was just too humiliating to think about. She wondered if maybe there were adult incontinence support groups available. . . . . David, Sf.G.
Tina knew that Little Blue Herons were, well, blue, but hopefully she would knock their socks off with her fancy added highlights at the party Friday . . . . David, Sf.G.
Sequester Blues
Carla was pretty sure that the President could have done something to keep the air traffic controllers on the job, allowing her to swoop down and catch a mouse or rat for lunch as needed. But no, she was told to hold in the pattern for the time being; no telling how long that would last, and she had problems with low blood sugar if she didn’t eat regularly . . . . David, Sf.G.
Lifestyle Change
Charlie was thinking of a major lifestyle change–going vegan at least two days a week. All the medical journals said the Atkins-style diets, with all the red meat you can eat, had bad long term health effects. He knew the rodents that composed the bulk of his diet were red meat, but he wasn’t too sure about snakes or frogs. Still, even though it was good for him (or so they said), the idea of eating berries, fruits, seed, nuts or grass was making this a hard decision. And what would the neighbors say? . . . . David, Sf.G.
Home Alone
Eugene’s mom had told him, “Never let in a stranger if you’re home alone, don’t even look out the window or they will know you are there;” and now, here was what seemed to be the mailman knocking on the door. Maybe with some cover, he could sneak a look just to check it out. . . . . David, Sf.G.