Yaak River

  • When  Jaime bought his camping equipment. the guys at the outdoor recreation store told Jaime, "Stay hydrated when you're camping or hiking."  He didn't think that was going to be a problem . . .
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Stay Hydrated

By |June 12th, 2019|Categories: Landscapes, Montana, Sports|Tags: , |Comments Off on Stay Hydrated
  • When a visiting group of Silicon Valley moguls and mavens asked if they could buy the middle fork of the Flathead River so they could irrigate their golf courses, Montanans were amazingly unified in their "Not no, but heck no . . .!"
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Buy the River

By |June 7th, 2019|Categories: Economy, Energy, Landscapes, Montana|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Buy the River
  • Lilli and Billie had loved the concept of the AirBnB "rustic cabin on the Yaak River," but hadn't realized rustic meant no windows, locks, bathroom, shower, cell coverage, broadband coverage or fast food restaurants . . .
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By |May 14th, 2019|Categories: Montana, Travel|Tags: , |Comments Off on Rustic

    Surf Montana

    Herbie’s plan to create the “Surf Montana” franchise wasn’t working out very well.  He blamed it on Montana’s two season weather–Winter and July.

    By |January 24th, 2018|Categories: Montana, Sports|Tags: , |Comments Off on Surf Montana

      Are We There Yet?

      As the school of baby Steelhead Trout made their way downstream to the ocean, Kenny, one of the fingerlings, couldn’t help asking, “Are we there yet . . .?”

      By |June 27th, 2017|Categories: Landscapes, Montana|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Are We There Yet?


        The client had ordered a “really robust” pump for the family’s hot tub, but Duane was concerned that maybe he had gone a little overboard . . .

        By |February 15th, 2017|Categories: Landscapes, Montana|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Robust