voter fraud

    Voter Fraud

    The voting line was long, so Jeremiah, very hungry, ate one of the other voters, but first asked who he was voting for.  The polling place monitors said that did not let him vote twice . . .

    By |December 28th, 2016|Categories: Exotic Animals, Politics, Reptiles & Amphibians|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Voter Fraud

      Voter ID

      After being exposed to a “minor radiation leak” at the Hanford Nuclear site, the girl(s) had been monitored and studied for years and finally released just in time to vote in the  2014 midterm elections.  As the radiation exposure had caused some physical changes, they had been quite worried about voter ID at the poll, but it turned out there was no problem–they were told to go to the South side of Chicago–and to vote early and vote often

      By |November 4th, 2014|Categories: Politics|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Voter ID