Secret Service

    Going It Alone

    Patti (pictured) had been one half of the Purple Passion comedy team. They had done well on the casino circuit, especially Las Vegas, but her partner, Paul, had become very polarized politically and could only make jokes about the President and Congress. After the third visit from the FBI and two from the Secret Service, she decided to go it alone. The headlines of the tabloids in the grocery store provided more than enough to get laughs .  .  .

    By |October 27th, 2018|Categories: Flowers, Politics|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Going It Alone

      Unauthorized Photos

      The White House Press Office and the Secret Service were livid; they had no idea how someone had gotten a camera into the President’s suite in his Hawaiian hotel room that the wags called the Hawaiian White House. Some stinking paparazzi must have bribed a maid, and now, photos of the president getting out of the shower had gone viral on YouTube. Some wondered if it was revenge by Angela Merkel of Germany for the NSA tapping her phone . . .

      By |December 25th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Unauthorized Photos

      Just Too Small

      Kenny had always wanted to be in uniform; he had applied with the Marines, the Air Force, the State Patrol, the County Sheriff’s office, all with the same result.  “How,” they asked him,  “can you handle an M16 or toss a grenade when you are no bigger than a blade of grass? You’re just too small!”  Kenny was ready to forget the whole uniform thing and try for one of the covert services; maybe MI6.  . . . .  David, Sf.G.

      By |October 16th, 2012|Categories: Flowers|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Just Too Small

      Caught in the Act





      The Secret Service is still trying to figure out how the paparazzi got the picture of the President as he was getting out of the shower. They had no idea the picture had been taken until the video on YouTube went viral . . . .  David, Sf.G.

      By |July 5th, 2012|Categories: Bugs|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Caught in the Act