

    Galen, a master falconer, had never used an osprey, and wasn’t sure if this display was political commentary or lack of training . . .

    By |April 6th, 2016|Categories: Birds, Politics|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Training/Commentary

      Wrong Address

      Eugene, the delivery guy  (known as a bit of a bully), shouted, “What do you mean, you didn’t order take out fish and chips?”  But when he checked his iPhone, he had to apologize; he was in fact on the wrong block . . .

      By |March 5th, 2014|Categories: Birds|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Wrong Address

      Incontinence Issues

      Julie had never dreamed it would happen to her, but she finally knew she had to begin thinking about adult disposable underwear–the thought of an unscheduled incident in public was just too humiliating to think about.  She wondered if maybe there were adult incontinence support groups available. . . . .  David, Sf.G.

      By |May 1st, 2013|Categories: Birds|Tags: , |Comments Off on Incontinence Issues

      Tax Avoidance

      Stuart paid his taxes with only a minimum of grumbling; he understood the government needed to be funded, but when the Environmental Protection Agency slapped a new tax on all fresh fish (and not even just the endangered ones), he knew he was going to be guilty of tax avoidance . . . .  David, Sf.G.

      By |January 2nd, 2013|Categories: Birds|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Tax Avoidance