
  • Gary (pictured) had had a tough night; first he heard that wrestling was fake, then that Lady Gaga  was really a guy, that Oprah was retiring, and that Michael Jackson wasn't really dead but doing charity work in Haiti.  The final straw had been the news report that Mike Pence had run off with Madonna and been elected to  be prime minister of Israel.  It seemed as though he was living in a web of deceit . . . 
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A Tough Night

By |December 8th, 2018|Categories: Politics, Pop culture, Spiders|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on A Tough Night

    Upside Down

    In spite of all the remodeling and improvement work Mark had done with his home, and in spite of the Government’s assurances that the recession was over, Mark still found himself upside down with his mortgage and just hanging on by a thread . . .

    By |December 11th, 2014|Categories: Politics, Spiders|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Upside Down