Justin Bieber

    Lady GaGa Barbie


    Annette (pictured, 25th row, 7th from left) had gotten in line before 5 AM at the local Wal-Mart to get one of the new Barbie Lady Gaga dolls for her daughter; she had no idea that the demand would be this high. The question was who was Barbie’s companion doll–the new Ken–going to be . . . Brad Pitt or Justin Bieber?

    By |November 30th, 2016|Categories: Pop culture|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Lady GaGa Barbie



    Jill (left, 2nd from bottom) was growing quite alarmed; after twittering and posting on her FaceBook account that she thought Justin Bieber was a stupid little twit for getting two tattoos and then bragging about it, she suddenly started getting E-mails saying “Fool, Justin is cool,” and from complete strangers, notices saying she had been pre-unfriended. . . . . David, Sf.G.

    By |June 6th, 2012|Categories: Flowers|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Pre-Unfriended