Ghost Pepper

    Hot Stuff

    George couldn’t say he hadn’t been warned–he had–but the ghost pepper burger was the hottest thing he’d ever eaten.  Being made of cast iron, clearly he had a cast iron stomach, throat, tongue, the works.  He was beginning to think that rather than a burger, he had swallowed part of an erupting volcano . . .

    By |December 15th, 2015|Categories: Food, Travel, World Travel Sites|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Hot Stuff

    When You’re Hot, You’re Hot

    Since high school, Ginnie’s friends–both guys and gals–kept telling her she was a real “Hottie” and finally got her to go the the Las Vegas Hotties contest.  When the Ghost Pepper Girls showed up, Ginnie (top right, red) quickly learned that “Hot” is relative

    By |October 30th, 2014|Categories: Glamor, Pop culture|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on When You’re Hot, You’re Hot