Fiery Skipper

    Goodbye to the AlGoreRhythms

    Al Gore, in addition to inventing the internet and saving the planet, was also a musician; in fact, he had his own band–the AlGoreRhythms. While Al wrote the lyrics for all the songs, all of the music was computer generated (a special algorithm) and was a fusion of techno-retro-soul.. Gloria (pictured) was a huge fan; she had been to AlGoreRhythm concerts & had all their DVD’s, so she was extremely distressed to hear that the group was breaking up. “Oh well,” she thought, “there is always YouTube.”

    By |May 10th, 2018|Categories: Bugs, Flowers, Musicians, Politics|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Goodbye to the AlGoreRhythms

      Social Butterfly

      When accused of being a “Social Butterfly,” Gina said “No, I’m no socialist, I’m a Libertarian . . .”

      By |November 16th, 2016|Categories: Bugs, Flowers, Politics|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Social Butterfly