Bixxy May found out that if you wanted a door that made a statement, there was only one place to go–A-Doorable-You.com . . .
Bixxy May found out that if you wanted a door that made a statement, there was only one place to go–A-Doorable-You.com . . .
While working with the designer to select trim and features for his new house, Charlie’s designers showed him a style of door that had been loved by millions and always made a good first impression. Charlie tried to explain that he had been thinking of something a little less ornate . . .
As Bubba burned the scraps from his recent remodel and, the truth be told, from his adult kids’ trash they were too cheap to take to the land fill, he just couldn’t help himself from belting out his somewhat unsophisticated version of the Jim Morrison/Doors favorite “Come On Baby, Light My Fire . . .” As the fire settled down to embers, he switched to Peggy Lee’s “Fever”. “What a lovely way to burn. . . “
Jim and Lizzy had made some “tax free” money they wanted to deposit in an off-shore account. The funny little fellow they met in the hotel bar in Belize City seemed to be legitimate, so they gave him traveler’s checks to deposit, with the promise of a receipt when they met him at his office later. When they went to the address he claimed was his bank office, they began to have doubts.. . . . David, Sf.G.