assassin bug

    Read, Not Red

    Read’s parents–librarians–had not really thought through naming him “Read,” as in “he read the book,” not “Red,” the color.  Those that got it couldn’t help saying in greeting “Well, Read . . .”  The rest called him Reed when they saw his name tag at work.  Then there was the old guy always sitting on the bench at the bus stop who handed out John Birch pamphlets and told him it was a shame that the McCarthy hearings had come to an end with Reds like him around . . .

    By |November 19th, 2014|Categories: Bugs|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Read, Not Red

      Costume Party

      It had been a strange costume party; everyone had come dressed as an assassin.  But hey, everyone there  was an assassin bug, what could you expect?  Still, thought Herman (the host),  it would have been nice if someone had been an Elvis , a Mick Jagger, perhaps Madonna, or maybe had worn a Richard Nixon or  a Barack Obama mask.  But that, thought Herman, was the problem in throwing  a party for insects–the hive mentality ran strong . . .

      By |February 10th, 2014|Categories: Bugs|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Costume Party