About Us
I live on a small farm south of Houston, Texas. One of the boundaries for the farm is Chocolate Bayou, which feeds directly into Galveston West Bay and then the Gulf of Mexico. In this area, the opportunities for wildlife and nature photography are plentiful; I carry my camera gear with me most of the time. I have also spent time in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, British Columbia, Arizona, California, Wisconsin, and other places too numerous to mention. Again, the photo ops are always there if you are willing to look for them and take the time to shoot the picture. At home on the bayou, flowers and birds are the most plentiful subjects, and there is always something new if you are willing to slow down and look. Snakes, spiders and alligators are among my favorite subjects, along with bees, butterflies, dragonflies and the like. Don’t be surprised to see coyotes, armadillos, or bobcats.
I also do a daily ‘photo-cartoon’–I think it’s the worlds first–called ‘Another Good Reason,’ or ‘AGR’ for short. You can see these on this site on the Blog page. Currently, I have about 300 opt-in subscribers from around the world. AGR features one of my photos and a short two- or three-line story with humor not unlike Gary Larson’s ‘The Far Side’. I anthropomorphise flowers, bison, or a roseate spoonbill and its dilemma or solution to life’s problems. All photos used in AGR are my own. My hope is that one of the daily news sites would like to use this daily feature like the print newspapers, which are now just about gone, used the comics.