domestic animals

  • At first Janniel had thought the ballroom dancing lessons were a waste of time, but she had grown to like the dancing. If only she could get the instructor to know who should take the lead . . .

Dancing Lessons

By |March 12th, 2019|Categories: domestic animals|Tags: , |Comments Off on Dancing Lessons
  • When Cynthia's friends told her that her expensive pyramid-marketing-scheme "Face Renewer" wasn't working, she said it was a work in progress.  And besides, as her mother said, "Pretty is as pretty does . . . '

Work in Progress

By |February 27th, 2019|Categories: domestic animals, Glamor|Tags: , |Comments Off on Work in Progress
  • Purrrrrrfect, also known as Scat Cat, heard that over 20 wannabe politicians had announced their intent to run for president next election in 2020.  The local party chairman told her she was too young, although she was 21 in cat years.  They did offer to back her for a run as dog catcher; she declined . . .

Purrrrrrfect’s Bid

By |February 10th, 2019|Categories: domestic animals, Politics|Tags: |Comments Off on Purrrrrrfect’s Bid
  • Little Beau stayed up late to hear the President's State of the Union speech and found it "Mooooving" but was disappointed that nothing was said about bovine voting rights even for those born in the US . . .

Moooving Speech

By |February 6th, 2019|Categories: domestic animals, Politics|Tags: , |Comments Off on Moooving Speech
  • Kim (pictured) had finally broken down and decided to try some new green tinted contact lenses, hoping that her mother would quit telling her that she looked at the world through rose colored glasses . . .

New Contacts

By |January 4th, 2019|Categories: domestic animals|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on New Contacts
  • Purrfect's friends at school teased her for carrying her tail high and forward, said she looked line a Siberian Husky.  The DNA test revealed she was, in fact, part Husky; she was the rare and elusive Hus-Kitty . . .


By |December 14th, 2018|Categories: Dogs, domestic animals|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Hus-Kitty